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Erotic Masturbation and Genital Massage Techniques

Thursday, October 25, 2007

David Beckham voted most manliest man in 2007 recently voted David Beckham as the most masculine man in the testosterone filled arena of the world's most admired men in 2007.

View the other 48 contenders


Saturday, October 13, 2007

Excessive Testosterone Leads to Hair Loss

Hair loss has been observed and studied for ages, and some interesting discoveries were made in ancient times.

This was the first sign that testosterone had something to do with hair loss. It has also been found that the more recessive the hair gene, the chances you have of becoming bald.

If you are blond-haired, you have a greater tendency toward hair loss than darker-haired people. But if you are Caucasian, then you have a greater tendency toward hair loss than non-Caucasian people.

Beyond the genetic tendency of certain people for hair loss, diet seems to play a factor in hair loss. This is good to know, since this is one additional you can make changes to you to your lifestyle.

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