The Penis Hardness Factor
How do you measure the quality of an erection?:
"The harder the erection, the healthier the man."
Is the penis a barometer of a man's health? Steven Lamm, MD, says that great sex can only come with great health and that once men understand the connection between health and virility, they will take better care of themselves. For men who want to achieve peak sexual health -- and the partners who love them -- Lamm shared his advice for health and hardness on July 13, 2005.
"We now know that you need 500 grams of axial rigidity to penetrate during intercourse. For comparison, a 15-year-old man might have a rigidity of 2,000. With every decade those numbers start to decline and they will decline precipitously in smokers and in diabetics and people with underlying medical problems. What will happen is, you might on your best day be 700, which should be good enough for penetration. You have a bad day -- the stock market goes down, you're worried about your child, something happens at work -- and now the biologic forces drive the rigidity down to 400 and you're just not able to perform. So we now can actually measure the rigidity and for me as a physician, what it basically did was it gave me some insight into the changing performance of men with disease process. It also gives me an opportunity to study the effect of medications, whether it is testosterone or Cialis or Levitra on the rigidity of the penis."
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