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Erotic Masturbation and Genital Massage Techniques

Monday, March 19, 2007

Anabolic steroids can cause male infertility

"Anabolic steroids is one of the major cause of male infertility" - Dr Michael Werner, MD:-

* The use of anabolic androgenic steroids has reached almost epidemic proportions. 6.6% of 12th grade male use or have used them to build muscle mass and improve athletic performance. These male hormones suppress the testes ability to make testosterone. This decreases the intratesticular testosterone level.

* They depress testicular production of testosterone and, thus, levels at testosterone inside the testes itself. This may cause severely diminished spermatogenesis or complete absence of sperm (azoospermia).

* When taken, these steroids cause a persistent depression of the hypothalamus and pituitary which may be irreversible, even when the steroids are stopped.

What are treatment options when there is a poor semen analysis?

Over 50% of men will have a treatable cause of male factor infertility. These factors include varicoceles (dilated veins in the scrotum) infections, hormonal abnormalities, abnormalities in the seminal fluid, ductal blockages, and difficulties with erections and ejaculation. When these conditions are treated, either through medication (hormones, antibiotics), or surgery (varicocelectomy, vasal reconstruction, repair of a blocked ejaculatory duct) a man will often see a significant improvement in his semen analysis.

Those men with poor semen analyses whose conditions are not treatable may still have the option of using advanced reproductive techniques to achieve a pregnancy. Even those men with no sperm in the ejaculate may be able to have some living sperm procured from them through other methods and achieve a pregnancy using advanced reproductive techniques. Those few men who produce absolutely no sperm at all, will have this information so that they can explore other options.

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Herbal cures for male inferility



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