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Erotic Masturbation and Genital Massage Techniques

Sunday, September 24, 2006

Sexual Prowess of Sumo Wrestlers

Do Sumo Wrestlers and other fat men enjoy sex?:
Comprehensive research into the subject in Japan and Korea indicate that both impede on the sexual performance of men. There are a number of clear physiological reasons for this:

1. A fat man undergoes a process of feminization: hormones in the fatty tissue turn into estrogen the female hormone. That is why obese men - such as Sumo wrestlers - have higher voices and their skin is more delicate.

2. Fat men suffer from health problems, have difficulties maintaining relationships, and suffer from prejudice at work - and on top of all this they suffer from sexual dysfunction. A surplus of female hormones, blockage of blood vessels and possible diabetes, shortage of breath - all enemies of the erection and sexual pleasure.

naked sumo wrestlers



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