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Erotic Masturbation and Genital Massage Techniques

Wednesday, December 06, 2006

Naked DNA to fight impotence

Using DNA for erectile dysfunction:
"BEIJING, Dec. 6 (Xinhuanet) -- Gene therapy using 'naked DNA' may some day help prevent impotence, irritable bowel syndrome, asthma or protect against overactive bladder disease, scientists report.

Preliminary findings from the first human trial of gene therapy against erectile dysfunction found the two patients given the highest doses of the treatment had clinically significant and sustained improvements for up to six months.

The therapy was injected into the penises of men aged 42 to 80. The phase I clinical trial has found it safe in the 11 men it tested. Importantly, the transferred gene was not seen in the men's semen, meaning they should not pass it to the partners."

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