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Erotic Masturbation and Genital Massage Techniques

Sunday, September 23, 2007

Worried about the size of your balls?

DOES testicles size matter?

It's the manhood question that most troubles men. But they're fretting about the wrong part of the package. It's the size of the testicles, not the penis, that really matters when it comes to male health and reproduction.

Yet most men are unaware of how important the size of their testes is in relation to their health, according to Professor Rob McLachlan, director of Andrology Australia.

"I've seen men coming in with (testicles) the size of a sultana and they haven't realised (it's a problem) — it happens all the time," he says.

It seems men are unaware of what they should be looking for when it comes to testicle size. "They don't know how big their testes should be — what's normal and what's abnormal."

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