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Erotic Masturbation and Genital Massage Techniques

Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Eat more to lose weight!

Top 5 Ways To Lose Weight

It has been proven that regular eating will kick start your metabolism. Having three meals per day plus regular snacks can also help you lose a few pounds. By doing this, you can reduce your calorie intake and have less food cravings during the day. The main thing you need to do is plan healthy snacks in advance. If you plan your food a week in advance you can easily buy a wider variety of foods whilst shopping.

weight loss techniques

Typically an adult will consume 40 per cent of their daily calories in the form of fat. With each gram of fat resulting in nine calories compared to four calories for carbohydrates and protein, you can see that by eating more fat you are more likely to put on weight.

Fat binders allow you to reduce your calorie intake from fat by up to 28 per cent, a massive reduction which will make your weight loss attempts a lot easier. It is important to use a fat-binder that is clinically proven and has sound medical backing.

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