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Erotic Masturbation and Genital Massage Techniques

Saturday, October 11, 2008

Is Your Viagra The Real Deal?

How to tell if the Viagra you bought online is fake?

VIAGRA is one of the world’s most counterfeited medications – largely because people are still embarrassed to speak to their physician to obtain a valid prescription, explains Malian, who offers the following tips to ensure your VIAGRA is real:

* Only buy VIAGRA from an authorized Canadian pharmacy with a prescription from your physician
o All VIAGRA packages sold in Canadian pharmacies feature a unique hologram
o VIAGRA packaging features high-tech radio frequency transmitters that track the drug’s journey from the plant to the pharmacy, ensuring the drug that reaches you is authentic.
o Buying from an authorized pharmacy will allow you to speak to your pharmacist directly if you need legitimate answers to your questions

* VIAGRA sold in Canada comes in a distinctive blue and white package featuring the image of a man on a mountain:
o VIAGRA pills are packaged in a tamper-resistant blister pack
o VIAGRA pills are sold only in quantities of 4 and 8
o VIAGRA is sold only as a tablet – it does not come in a “soft gel”, liquid or capsule format

More info from Pfizer



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10:57 PM  

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