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Erotic Masturbation and Genital Massage Techniques

Monday, May 16, 2011

Does masturbation affect male fertility?

Don't worry if you catch him masturbating - Mayo Clinic

Frequent male masturbation doesn't reduce sperm count. Male masturbation also doesn't affect your ability to achieve an erection. Actually, not having an orgasm (ejaculating) for several days or more may lower your fertility. This is because it may lower the number of sperm with normal shape (morphology) and ability to move (motility). Both normal morphology and motility affect your sperm's ability to get to and fertilize your partner's egg. Having sexual intercourse with ejaculation several times a week will maximize your chances of getting your partner pregnant, whether you masturbate or not.

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How do I know if my husband has a low sperm count?

Alternative treatment for male fertility

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