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Erotic Masturbation and Genital Massage Techniques

Friday, December 08, 2006

Clinical study commisioned for penis enlargement exercises

Penis enlargement exercise program now undergoing an independent clinical study:
One of the biggest problems faced by men interested in penis enlargement exercises is the lack of clinical studies that can back up the effectiveness of this technique with incontrovertible data collected according to the scientific standards of our age.

Traditionally, those who believe in the power of exercises to change the length and girth of the penis had to make do with their own experiences and the testimonies of other brave souls who defied the conventional wisdom and tried the exercises themselves.

The only existing study of the effects of penis enlargement exercises was conducted in the UK by Doctor Brian Richards, author of numerous books and hundreds of articles on sex-related subjects. The study was performed in the late 1970s and it focused on proving or disproving the effectiveness of an enlargement method called the “Chartham Method”.

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