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Erotic Masturbation and Genital Massage Techniques

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Various treatment for erectile dysunction

Viagra not the only solution

Some men with erectile dysfunction can't get an erection at all. Some men can get an erection, but it doesn't last long enough or isn't firm enough to have satisfying sex.

For many men, erection difficulties are caused by a physical problem. An injury, illness or problems with your hormones can all cause erection problems. Some medicines have side effects that can cause problems, too. Your emotions, such as stress, unhappiness and depression, can also play a part.

Men who have erection problems often don't like to ask for help, but there are good reasons for seeing a doctor. First, there are treatments that can help you. Second, erection problems can be an early warning of other health problems like diabetes and heart disease. Few men with erection problems will have these conditions. But your doctor may suggest tests to check for them, just to be safe.

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Anonymous Bill Duckett said...

As per my experience Extenze and Vigrx plus are good option for cure ed.

10:45 PM  
Anonymous Guru said...

If you are suffering from ejaculation issue then you should try some natural home remedy and exercise along with supplements!

10:50 PM  

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