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Erotic Masturbation and Genital Massage Techniques

Friday, May 19, 2006

Germans Get Naked

Baring all is the norm for Germans:
"And then there's the sauna. Forget about trying to wear a swimsuit in a sauna. First of all, you'll be the only one with any sort of clothing at all. Secondly, you'll be immediately pegged as a prudish Anglo-American. No one stares, no one tries to make you feel awkward, but everyone in the room somehow knows to address you in English. Though there is also a decent chance that the sauna authorities will come around, pour water on the broiling sauna rocks, and demand in a brisk impersonal voice, 'Take off your clothes, please, no clothes allowed!' Jawohl!"


Blogger iameverywhere said...

I enjoy seeing younger guys in the nude. There are no pretenses, and I can admire what they've got. Living in the conservative US I don't get to see nude guys that much unless I go to special places. Some of those places, though, also allow me to approach the cute younger (at least 18) to feel and play with his dick and hopefully to suck and eat his load.

7:17 PM  

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